Ryan Financial Lines (RFL) was formed and launched in March 2024 to offer clients a wide-ranging, single platform of financial lines products. Ryan Financial Lines brings together the Management and Professional Liability talent at Ryan Specialty Underwriting Managers providing greater synergies and efficiencies to further enhance the solutions and services for our clients and carrier trading partners. This unified approach brings together our expanding network of expertise of more than 70 teammates based across a number of key territories, including North America, United Kingdom, Europe and Latin America.
Ryan Financial Lines' operations are conducted through multiple legal entities, the choice of which depends on where the entities are authorized to operate and what insurance product they are selling. In the US, Ryan Financial Lines' operations are conducted by Ryan Financial Lines and CorRisk Solutions, each of which are series of RSG Underwriting Managers, LLC (Ryan Specialty Underwriting Managers US), and by RSG Specialty, LLC (RSG Specialty). Ryan Specialty Underwriting Managers US and RSG Specialty are Delaware limited liability companies based in Illinois. In the UK, Ryan Financial Lines is a tradename of Ryan Specialty International Limited (Ryan Specialty International), authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN733324). Registered office: 30 St. Mary Ave, 13th Floor, London. EC3A BBF, United Kingdom. Company number 07164987. In the EEA, Ryan Financial Lines Europe is a tradename of Ryan Specialty Nordics AB (Ryan Specialty Nordics, authorized by the Swedish Financial Services Authority, Org nr 556741-6572. Registered office: Brahegatan 2, 114 37 Stockholm, Sweden. In Latin America and the Caribbean, Ryan Financial Lines' operations are conducted by the Ryan Financial Lines Reinsurance division of Ryan Specialty LatAm, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company based in Florida (Ryan Specialty LatAm). Ryan Specialty Underwriting Managers US, RSG Specialty, Ryan Specialty international, Ryan Specialty Nordics and Ryan Specialty LatAm are subsidiaries of Ryan Specialty, LLC. Ryan Financial Lines works directly with brokers, agents and insurance carriers, and as such does not solicit insurance from the public. Some products may only be available in certain jurisdictions, and some products in the US may only be available from surplus lines insurers. In California: RSG Insurance Services, LLC (License #0E50879) and RSG Specialty Insurance Services, LLC (License #0G97516). ©2025 Ryan Specialty, LLC